The story starts with Theo, a foreign painter hoping to build his career in Macau, an exotic city in the south of China where East meets West. One day, on his way to deliver a very special artwork (a two-sided painted violin) to a valuable client, Theo accidentally leaves the violin in the taxi. Unable to catch a glimpse of the taxi license plate and overwhelmed by the unfamiliar language and culture, Theo goes on a one-night surreal odyssey in search of his violin.

Director: Max Bessmertny
Writers: Max Bessmertny, Virginia Ho & Jorge C. dos Santos
Category: Feature Film

Status: In Post Production / Undistributed / Available for Pre-Sales

Cast: Kelsey Wilhelm, Mi Lee, Filipe Baptista Tou


The Violin Case story is inspired by an actual event that happened 6 years ago to Max's father, Konstantin Bessmertny, one of the most distinguished artists working in Asia. After leaving his artwork in the back of a taxi, Konstantin called Max and asked him to meet him at the police station. From there, the father and son contacted a security company, looked through CCTV footage to find the taxi but to no avail. Even though the real artwork has still not been found, it was a thrilling, mysterious, Sherlock Holmes-like memorable experience and became the perfect plot for this movie.